Advertise on India’s
fastest growing
payments platform!

1 in 3 Indians are on PhonePe. We understand how users spend and manage their money. This helps us enable our partners to target and engage with India’s digitally transacting user-base.

How Does it Work?

We offer two in-app properties that you can use to drive awareness and growth for your products/services, Brand Ads and Rewards.

Brand Ads
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If your business goal is to enhance awareness, brand ads can help increase visibility and drive user engagement. We display these ads in the form of banners on the app homepage, Offers page, Rewards page etc, based on the product/service relevance. These banners are high-impact properties that guarantee impressions from our digitally savvy users. We can also help you target these banners to relevant user cohorts.

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Why Advertise on PhonePe?

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Unparalleled Reach

Get a chance to engage with 26+ Cr Monthly Active Users

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High Brand Recall

Brand Ads drive high visibility while Rewards generate conversions using high engagement offers

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Customized Audience

Reach the right customer persona based on location, spending power, category affinity & more

Our Advertising Partners

  1. Grocery
  2. Health & Fitness
  3. Shopping
  4. Travel & Taxi
  5. Entertainment
Flipkar Grocery